Monday, May 20, 2019
Mr Know All Essay
There argon two aspects which influence the issue of a novel. They argon the extrinsic elements and the intrinsic elements (Sukada, 1987 47). Extrinsic elements atomic number 18 the elements comes from of literary decease such as the elements of hi legend, social and culture, psychology, religion and philosophy. Intrinsic elements are the whole elements which make up structure of literary work such as plot, move, base, acknowledgment, look, etc. this field, the writer leave talk rough the aspect of intrinsic elements in a novel which are theme, plot, setting, and char moer.It is a little hard to analyze the intrinsic elements in a novel, because many experts have different opinion to shape which included to the intrinsic elements. (1987 54- 57). Gave some experts caprice to define the intrinsic elements. 1. Jakob sumardjo stated that the intrinsic elements are plot, constitution, theme, setting, atmosphere, mode, and range of observe. 2. Wellek & Warren stated that the intrinsic elements are plot, character, setting, solid ground spate, t iodin. 3. Taylor (1988 2) the intrinsic elements are plot, character, setting, theme, and bloom of hear. The writer chooses Sumardjos idea which will be analyzed, some of those elements, at that place are theme, plot, setting, and character.1. Theme Theme is the main(prenominal) handling, which is put on important place in literary work, M,S Hutagalung (in Ahmad Badrun, 198385). William Kenny (1966 89) adds the theme is neither moral or the subject of the stratum. In addition, theme is meaning the base releases. chaste is a simple kind of theme, because only of themes of moral. It mess be transport that theme is the main discussion the written report released. Add moral is a simple sort theme. Opdhal (1968 3) said that, theme is a idea or the concept implied in a short story .All stories have a theme or purpose no matter how seriously the stipulation chooses to present it (Hamalian & Karl 1978 327).A Theme of a story like plot maybe stated very briefly or at a greater length, with a simple or very brief story. We may be satisfied to sum up the theme in a iodine sentence just we may feel that a paragraph occasionally even an essay is needed to state it adequatel. (Perin, 1978 113). Theme is the controlling and informing idea a literary work. Which writer content is a true or un true a preposition which he undertaken to defends or attack (Duffy & Pettit, 1953 125). Theme and character are often closely related.The characters often symbolize an aspect of the theme. To assert the theme of a novel, (Perine, 1978 117). Stated that we should keep in mind the following principles. a) Theme mustiness(prenominal) be expressible in the form of a statement with a subject and predicate. b) Theme is a key and unifying concept of a story. Therefore, (a) it must account For all the study details of the story, (b) the theme must non contradicted by any detail of the st ory, (c) the theme must not rely upon supposed facts not actually stated or clearly implied by the story. c) Theme must state as evocation approximately life.d) There is no one way of starting the theme of a story. e) We must be careful not to makes generalizes larger than is justified by the terms of the story. f) We should avoid any statement that reduces the theme to some familiar saying that we have heard all our lives.2. Point of take The same as other elements of fiction, pull down of billet, likewise ties together in the short story because each element could not be separated with another ones, point of view is the indites vision toward character in the story (Rampan, 1995 39). So this point of view closely related to telling techniques of the antecedent toward work of fiction. In this case, the authors view will give con arrayration that short story has made must be a unity of a story. Abrams (In Nurgiantoro, 1995 248) defines point of view as the technique that s employ by the author media to express character. Behavior, setting and, and some answers in form a literary work.Furthermore, point of view plenty be mentioned as strategy, which in chosen freckly to reveal ideas and jazz Both ideas and ideas and experiences are useful to find out the information of intrinsic elements, particularly point of view. Kamaly (2005 14) said that point of view is a way in delivering a story. Therefore, its a kind of tactic of the author in telling all events in that story. Abram, (In Nurgiantoro, 2002 249) said that point of view refers to the way a story is t senior .it is a way and or the view utilize by author as a medium in serving the character, action, setting, and the events. He and him self concludes that point of view is essentially a strategy, technique, and tactic which are used and chosen by an author in telling story. Nurgiantoro (2002 242 271) divides point of view into three kinds they are third single someone, first individual a nd mixed point of view.a) Third single personIt is point of view in which the narrator is an out said, it then presents all characters by name or pronoun. Nelson, Sarah, and Mrs Brand, or him, her and them. The author does not included in the story in this sign of story telling the narrator can tell everything about the story or the character in details. This method of story-telling is withal called the eye of deity because the narrator is put or put himself as god like who knows everything. When the narrator comes as on observer only, it called check all-knowing narration in which the narrator will only know one of the characters felling, attitude, and behavior this point of view is divided into two kinds they are the first, single limited narrator or he or she limited, the second, third single person omniscient. In third single person .Limited, the narrator tells about everything the figure, knows, hears, and sees, however it is limited to one figure only. The omniscient poi nt of view or third person omniscient is a way in which the story is told point of view he however the narrator can tell everything about figure. Therefore the narrator knows everything.b) First champion PersonIn this kind of point of view the author used I becomes one of character in the story. The narrator tells about him self, all the experiences he got through somatogenicly, I in this font point of view the character i comes as a narrator who tells about himself or everything he found, hears, and feel. This type of point of view is divided in to two they are I as a main character, and I as additional character when I becomes the main character in the story. He will tell everything about himself. All of her knowledge, feels and experiences. In short he tell all about he himself. When the I comes up as an additional character, he in this position comes as a avow only who knows a little that happen to the main character. The main duty of the character in this case is just to s erve the story.c) Mixing Point Of ViewThe author sometimes tells from the beginning part of chapter by employ first person single narrator. In other chapter the author changes his tactic by using third single person narrator. It can be seen in one of sir Arthur Conan Doyles (1987 work authorise a study I scarlet. Thus this type of point of view is called mixing of point of view. Furthermore ,Sumardjo and Saini (1986 83 84). There are four types point of view, they are (1) omniscient point view. the author freely telling characters in the story. They determine themselves what they want to do, author knew all about the characters as the pronoun she/he (Nurgiyantoro, 1995 275). (2) Objective point of view, the authors work as in omniscient but not reveal a comment to the story.Readers are offered real situation without change the actual meaning. Letting the endorsers know the content of story freely.(Keegen, 1997). (3) first person point of view, the author tell himself as the P ronoun I, sometime telling his experience based on the though way. (4) observer point of view, the author might choose characters to tell their experiences, ideas and feelings but these characters just show to the readers about what they have seen. In short, an author may collaborates two kinds of point of view in his work. He may use third single person and first single person in one novel. He also may use third single person omniscient narrator and third single person limited narrator.3. Plot Plot is a serial publication of events created by the author to tell the story .In most of stories, these events rise out of contrast experiences by the main character. The conflict isnt come from internal only but conflict comes from something external too, Stanton (In Nurgiantoro, 2002 113) said that plot is story that contains series of events. in time, the causality aspect only connects each those event. One event caused the other event to happen. Nurgiantoro (2002 115) said that plot is the reflection of the character s behavior and attitude in acting, thinking, felling, and facing the problems of life he or she faces.However not all of the clement being experiences called plot. In addition, he added that the event, attitude, and behavior of human being would called a plot if they have special type. Syamsir Aripin as (In Kuswaris, 2005 14) said that plot is an integration of series of events that composed as functional interrelation. Plot reveals events to use only in their temporal but also their causal family, plot makes us aware of events not merely as element in temporal series but also as an increate pattern of cause and effect. In addition, the readers will know soonly about the end of the story as they just start reading the novel. However, they will not know about process or each detail of story until the last page of it, mixing plot, in a range. Some parts of the story are tells chronologically and the others are the flash back. Crises are the situa tion where as the character is give description by authors attitude. Climax is the mo of the greatest frantic tension so those conflicts in the story slow down. Conclusion is resolution of the story.4. prospect Setting is object lesson of times and places. It can also include complex dimension such as historical moment the story occupies or its social context, because particular places and times have impersonality or senseal essence. Setting was also one of primary ways that a fiction writer established mood. When and where events occur are calls setting .They will become background of the story. Therefore, the readers of the story will get information about the condition and the situation of the places and times as the takes places. Aminudin (In Kuswari, 2005 16). Explained that setting is background of occurrence in fiction.Setting refers to place, time relationship , and social environment in which the events taken place. Setting can be divided into two physical and spiritu al setting. Physical setting refers to place and time. Spritual setting refers to custom, tradition, believe and value of the society where the event happens. (Nurgiantoro, 2002 218). It can be concluded that setting is background. of story the event illustrate .It refers to merely to the physical but also to non physical .The physical setting my consist of place and space namely road, rivers and house. In addition, non physical setting or spiritual setting refers to believe, costume, tradition and value as well.5. Character Character is a person in a play or story (Duffy & Pettit, 1953 24) Character development involves both physical descriptive and classification of the mental and spiritual qualities of the person (Opdhal, 1968 3). Stanton stated that of story has the major character. its character, which is related to every event in the story, usually it will show the change both in the character itself or act toward the character. According to foster (Taylor, 1981 65) cha racter is divided in two types compressed and round character. Flat character is less the representation of human personality than the embodiment of a single attitude or irresistible impulse in a character. Foster this calls kind of character flat because we see only one side of him.A flat character that never ramps the readers is immediately recognizable and usually can be delineate as a single formula. Milley and Clueley (1904 27) divided characters in two categories. They are the major and the minor characters. The major characters are that a central to the action, so continual in there presents. In which it is expected that the author explore their take up and motivation thoroughly. While the minor character as miller, said has seen by us as they imagine on the person who support the major character so that the major character action become live and logical as the real life.Round characters are those false creation who has complex many faceted personalities and an independen t inner life which itself invites our interest. Round characters can surprise the readers without credibility. A round character can surprise the readers without loosing credibility of a character. He must be credible, we as a reader want him to be recognizable similar in some aspects to mass we have known, so that we can relate to him can understand, can like or dislike him. We may conclude that complexity of characters tends to produce lifelikeness in the world of fiction. Round character is more lifelike than flat character lifelike is one form of relevance.No real human being can be adequately summed up in formula as a flat character. Certainly no reader of fiction would be willing to admit that he can be summed up .Real human beings are capable of surprising us. The round character can surprise us and the flat character cannot. A character may be consistent with what we have learned about .To identify characters in a story or novel the author may use three ways a) The author t ells us whether he is like by exposition or analysis. b) The character reveals himself through his speeches and action. c) The reaction of other characters to him indicated what type of a person he is.6. Style Style is not quite different from point of view, where bolt emphasizes toward telling techniques about characters, and then point of view is the authors way to express characters. Aminuddin (2003 72) and Keraf (1985 112) specify hyphen comes from Latin Language (slilus), is a tool for writing. Furthermore style become skill talent reveal ideas and aesthetic word and can express the meaning beyond feeling touch and readers emotion in other words. Good literary are works that have harmony and aesthetic address and make readers are not boring, enjoy and feel empathy, it depends on authors skill how to express style, in other word skill is author personality (Somardjo and Saini, 1986 92) or techniques reveal thoughts through characteristic language ,which showing author a nd soul and personality (Goris Keraf, 1985 113).Style is fiction refers to the language conventions used to stool the story fiction writers can manipulate diction sentences structure, phrasing, dialog, and other aspects of language to create the style. Thus, a storys story could be described as richly detailed. Flowing and barely controlled. Or scrimping and minimalist to reflect the simple sentence structures and low range of vocabulary. By using different style in the short story, the readers also acquired different atmosphere from a story. Usually, old authors have strong style to express their work different with young authors are still looking for a format, even styles of old writers will be followed by young writers, (Sumarjdo Saini, 1986 92). Language is central equipment which is used by the authors to reveal their commendations.However literary language has own target that different with languages of magazine, newspaper and daily language. The using of literary style is based on three fundamental matter, they are (1) diction, (2) the form of word in the sentence (3) trace (Rampan, 1993 63).The three fundamental matters will avoke authors typical that compare it with others. Kerap (In Rampan,1995 63) states that. Style is a part of diction that confers capable word usage in certain clause to face certain situation. Because of the phenomenon of style covering all language hierarchy diction individually, phrase, clause and sentences or cover all discourses generally.
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